Hi, I'm Rohan Punamiya.

I am a robotics engineer who gets excited solving challenging problems in mechanical design, mechatronics, controls engineering, and motion simulation. As an innovative and driven engineer with knowledge ranging from control algorithms/vehicle dynamics to structural design/simulation, I strive to make a significant impact in the field of robotics and automation!
मैं हिंदी में आसानी से वार्तालाप करसकता हूँ |


My passion for robotics came to life during my time at the Georgia Tech Robotics Club (RoboJackets). I was captivated by the way robots could interact with the physical world and solve complex problems. This fascination fueled my journey through my Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech, where I specialized in robotics, mechatronics, and controls engineering. I have since worked on a variety of projects, from designing microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees to building autonomous under-ice vehicles, all of which led me to pursue a Master's in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University with a focus on Robotics. I am fascinated by challenges like robotic manipulation, sensor fusion, and adaptive control, which push the boundaries of what machines can achieve.

  • 2024    Engineer In Training. Georgia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers
  • 2023    President's Undergraduate Research Award. Georgia Institute of Technology
  • 2022    CRLA International Tutor Certification (ITTPC). Georgia Institute of Technology

As an international student born in India and raised in Singapore, I have a unique perspective on the world around me. Coupling this diverse background with a wealth of experiences across different work environments (from start-ups to large technology corporations) has given me the ability to adapt quickly and tackle challenges with a global mindset. Whether it's developing algorithms for path planning, designing hardware for assistive devices, or advancing robot perception, I aim to contribute to technologies that improve lives, from medical devices to autonomous systems.

I'm looking for opportunities to work in a challenging position which leverages my deep understanding of robotics, mechatronics, and controls engineering. I am eager to learn new technologies and tools to effect change and solve complex problems.


Subject Tutor
  • Adapted content to 30+ students' needs, resulting in multi-grade improvements in Physics, Math, and Mechanical Engineering.
  • Completed CRLA International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC).
  • Advised and managed tutors, lead weekly group training meetings to improve tutor’s leadership skills.
Sept 2024 - Present | Palo Alto, California, USA
R&D Engineering Intern
  • Designed an automated flow test and mechanical fixture to characterize over ½ million voice coil valves per year for prosthetic knee production. Reduced manual testing time from 45 minutes to 20 seconds.
  • Performed system ID on custom voice coil valves, and assisted design of a nonlinear controller, enhancing steady-state response by 20% and transient response by 31%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional engineering team to redesign and test prosthetic frame/sensors.
  • Tools: Python, MATLAB, SolidWorks, FEM, MTS Machines, ESD Testing
June 2023 - Aug 2023 | Irvine, California, USA
Data Science & Decision Science Intern
  • Analyzed over 2.4 million real-time data entries to determine 10 groups of failure points for product courses.
  • Created PyTorch automated testing program, reducing testing time from 1 week to 24 hours per course.
  • Collaborated with VP's, salespeople, programmers, and other full-time employees/interns.
  • Tools: Python, PyTorch, Excel
May 2022 - Aug 2022 | Remote, USA
TA, Mentor, 1-to-1 Tutor
  • Tailored content to the diverse needs of 300+ students, resulting in multi-grade improvements in machine design.
  • Advised and managed tutors, lead weekly group training meetings to improve tutor's leadership skills.
Jan 2022 - May 2024 | Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Digit Tactile Gripper

Designed, fabricated, and integrated a 3DOF attachable gripper with Gelsight sensors embedded.

Prosthetic Valve

Built an automated test, mechanical fixture and controller for prosthetic knee valve actuator.

Under-Ice Robot

Built the thruster and battery modules for an autonomous under-ice vehicle, while achieving orientation control.

UGV Path Planner

Generated an optimal path for a UGV to measure and map sources of radiation in a nuclear contamination zone.

Biomedical Shield

Designed an efficient biomedical shield with a novel radiation-absorpent alloy that reduces operator exposure.

Hand-Control Car

Designed and built a hand-controlled RC car electromechanical system, using the MSP432 microcontroller.

Platform Stabilizer

Performed controller analysis on automatic platform stabilizer system for any perturbations.


Programming Languages


Frameworks and Libraries


Software Tools

FEM Magnetics
MS Office


3D Printer
Laser Cutter
MTS Machines


Stanford University

Palo Alto, California, USA

Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.80/4.00
Depth: Robotics & Kinematics
Labs: ARM LabBiomechatronics Lab

    Relevant Coursework:

    • Decision Making Under Uncertainty
    • Principles of Robot Autonomy
    • Topics in Advanced Robot Manipulation

Sept 2024 - Mar 2026 | In Progress

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.82/4.00
Minor: Computer Science - Computing & Theory
Concentration: Automation & Robotic Systems

    Relevant Coursework:

    • Control of Dynamic Systems
    • Mechatronics
    • Advanced Algorithms
    • Machine Design

Aug 2020 - May 2024 | Graduated with Highest Honor
